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姓 名
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1998.9-2002.6 大阳城集团娱乐游戏大阳城集团娱乐游戏 动物医学专业 本科 学士
2003.9-2009.6 华中农业大学动物医学动物科学学院 兽药药理学专业 硕博连读
研究生 博士
1. 牛奶中泰乐菌素/红霉素/螺旋霉素多残留检测方法(LC-MS/MS法),双胛脒残留检测方法(GC法),噻苯咪唑残留检测方法(HPLC法),苄星青霉素/普鲁卡因青霉素残留检测方法。农业部2009年第二批农产品质量安全应急工作经费项目,2009,主持:刘兆颖,袁宗辉。44万元。
3. 喹赛多在猪的体内代谢研究。华中农业大学2009年度自主科技创新基金,2010.01-2011.12, 主持:刘兆颖。3万元。2009BQ006
4. 三甲氧苄啶与二甲氧苄啶在猪肝微粒体的比较代谢研究。大阳城集团娱乐游戏2011年度引进人才科学基金,2011.6-2013.12 主持:刘兆颖。5万元。
5. 血根碱在大鼠肝胞液的还原代谢研究.大阳城集团娱乐游戏东方科技学院大学生研究性学习和创新性实验计划项目,主持:刘兆颖。 0.3万元。
6.氟喹诺酮类药物达氟沙星致猪肾小管上皮细胞损伤的分子机制研究。 国家自然科学基金青年项目。主持:刘兆颖。24万元。2012.01-2014.12
7. 血根碱对大鼠肠平滑肌细胞收缩的影响及其机制研究。湖南省科技计划一般项目。2011.09-2012.12-31 主持:刘兆颖。 2万元 。
8.国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目(NO. 2009CB118800):畜禽产品中有害物质形成原理与控制途径研究 参与
9.教育部科学技术研究重点项目(教技司[2003]225号):动物源食品中兽药(喹乙醇)残留的发生与消除研究 参与
10.教育部“跨世纪优秀人才培养计划”基金:喹乙醇代谢与残留的关系研究 参与
1)Zhao-Ying Liu, Dong-Mei Chen, Ling-Li Huang, Yan-Fei Tao, Min Yao, Zong-Hui Yuan. In vitro biotransformation and investigation of metabolic enzymes possibly responsible for the metabolism of bisdesoxyolaquindox in the liver fractions of rats, chicken, and pigs. Toxicology, 2011, 279(1-3): 155-166. Jan 11
2)Zhao-Ying Liu, Ling-Li Huang, Xiao-Ni Zhou, Dong-Mei Chen, Yan-Fei Tao, Hua-Hai Zhang, Zong-Hui Yuan. The metabolism of olaquindox in rats, chickens and pigs. Toxicology Letters, 2011, 200(1-2): 24-33. Jan 15
3) Zhao-Ying Liu, Yan-Fei Tao, Dong-Mei Chen, Xu Wang, Zong-Hui Yuan. Identification of carbadox metabolites formed by liver microsomes from rats, pigs and chickens using high-performance liquid chromatography combined with hybrid ion trap/time-of- flight mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2011, 25(2): 341-348. Jan 30
4)Zhao-Ying Liu, Ling-Li Huang, Dong-Mei Chen, Meng-Hong Dai, Yan-Fei Tao, Zong-Hui Yuan. The metabolism and N-oxide reduction of olaquindox in liver preparations of rats, pigs and chicken. Toxicology Letters, 2010, 195(1): 51-59. May 19
5)Zhao-Ying Liu, Ling-Li Huang, Dong-Mei Chen, Meng-Hong Dai, Yan-Fei Tao, Yu-Lian Wang, Zong-Hui Yuan. Application of electrospray ionization hybrid ion trap/time-of-flight mass spectrometry in the rapid characterization of quinocetone metabolites formed in vitro. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2010, 396(3): 1259-1271. Feb
6)Zhao-Ying Liu, Ling-Li Huang, Dong-Mei Chen, Zong-Hui Yuan. Metabolism of mequindox in liver microsomes of rats, chicken and pigs. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2010, 24(7): 909-918. Apr 15
7)Zhaoying Liu, Lingli Huang, Menghong Dai, Dongmei Chen, Yanfei Tao, Yulian Wang, Zonghui Yuan. Metabolism of cyadox in rat, chicken and pig liver microsomes and identification of metabolites by accurate mass measurements using electrospray ionization hybrid ion trap/time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2009, 23(13): 2026-2034 Jul
8)Zhaoying Liu, Lingli Huang, Menghong Dai, Dongmei Chen, Yulian Wang, Yanfei Tao, Zonghui Yuan. Metabolism of olaquindox in rat liver microsomes: structural elucidation of metabolites by high-performance liquid chromatography combined with ion trap/time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2008, 22(7): 1009-1016 Apr
9) Zhao-Ying Liu, Meng-Hong Dai, Yan-Fei Tao, Dong-Mei Chen, Zong-Hui Yuan. Inhibition of cytochrome P450 2A participating in coumarin 7-hydroxylation in pig liver microsomes. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2011, 34(5): 424-429. Oct
10) Zhao-Ying Liu, Xiao-Ni Zhou, Hua-Hai Zhang, Leren Wan, Zhi-Liang Sun. An integrated method for degradation products detection and characterization using hybrid ion trap/time-of-flight mass spectrometry and data processing techniques: Application to study on the degradation products of danofloxacin under stressed conditions. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2011, 399(7): 2475-2486. Mar
11) Zhao-Ying Liu, Hua-Hai Zhang, Xiao-Jun Chen, Xiao-Ni Zhou, Leren Wan, Zhi-Liang Sun. Structural elucidation of degradation products of olaquindox under stressed conditions by accurate mass measurements using electrospray ionization hybrid ion trap/time-of-flight mass spectrometry. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2011, 303(2-3): 90-96. June 1
12 Zhao-Ying Liu, Chun-Hong Yu, Leren Wan, Zhi-Liang Sun. Fragmentation study of five trichothecenes using electrospray hybrid ion trap/time-of-flight mass spectrometry with accurate mass measurements. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2012, 309: 133-140
13)Zhao-Ying Liu, Yong Wu, Zhi-Liang Sun, Leren Wan. Characterization of in vitro metabolites of trimethoprim and diaveridine in pig liver microsomes by liquid chromatography combined with hybrid ion trap/time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Biomedical Chromatography, 2012, 26: 1101-1108 (In press)
14)Zhao-Ying Liu Identification of sanguinarine metabolites in pig liver preparations by accurate mass measurements using electrospray ionization hybrid ion trap/time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 2013.5,
15)Zhao-Ying Liu An introduction to hybrid ion trap/time-of-flight mass spectrometry coupled with liquid chromatography applied to drug metabolism studies. Journal of Mass Spectrometry 2012.12,
1. Min Yao, Zhaoying Liu, Menghong Dai, Lingli Huang, Dongmei Chen, Yulian Wang, Yanfei Tao, Xu Wang, Zhenli Liu, Zonghui Yuan. Transcriptional Profile of CYP3As and Functional Expression of CYP3A29 from Piglets. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, 2009: 1 - 4
2. Dongmei Chen, Yanfei Tao, Zhaoying Liu, Zhenli Liu, Lingli Huang, Zonghui Yuan. Development of a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method for the quantification of glucocorticoid residues in edible tissues of swine, cattle, sheep, and chicken. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A. 2010, 27(10): 1363-1371. Oct
3. Dongmei Chen, Yanfei Tao, Zhaoying Liu, Zhenli Liu, Lingli Huang, Yulian Wang, Yuanhu Pan, Dapeng Peng, Menghong Dai, Zonghui Yuan. Development of a high-performance liquid chromatography method to monitor the residues of benzimidazoles in bovine milk. Journal of Chromatography B. 2010, 878(28): 2928-2932. Oct 15.
4. Huan Yu, Yanfei Tao, Dongmei Chen, Yulian Wang, Zhaoying Liu, Yuanhu Pan, Lingli Huang, Dapeng Peng, Menghong Dai, Zhenli Liu, Zonghui Yuan. Development of a high performance liquid chromatography method and a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method with pressurized liquid extraction for simultaneous quantification and confirmation of cyromazine, melamine and its metabolites in foods of animal origin. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2010, 682 (1-2): 48-58. Dec 3
5. Min Yao, Menghong Dai, Zhaoying Liu, Lingli Huang, Dongmei Chen, Yulian Wang, Dapeng Peng, Xu Wang, Zhenli Liu, Zonghui Yuan. Comparison of the substrate kinetics of pig CYP3A29 with pig liver microsomes and human CYP3A4. Bioscience Reports. 2011, 31(3): 211-220. Jun
6)Xu Wang, Xian-Ju Huang, Awais Ihsan, Zhao-Ying Liu, Ling-Li Huang, Hua-Hai Zhang, Hong-Fei Zhang, Wen Zhou, Qin Liu, Xi-Juan Xue, Zong-Hui Yuan. Metabolites and JAK/STAT pathway were involved in the liver and spleen damage in male Wistar rats fed with mequindox. Toxicology. 2011, 280(3) 126-134. Feb 27
7) Yanfei Tao, Huan Yu, Dongmei Chen, Zhao-Ying Liu, Ding Yang, Yuanhu Pan, Yulian Wang, Lingli Huang, Zonghui Yuan. Determination of sodium nifurstyrenate and nitrovin residues in edible food by liquind chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry after ultrasound-assisted extraction. Journal of Chromatography B. 2010, 878(32): 3415–3420. Oct 30
8)DongMei Chen, Yanfei Tao Zhaoying Liu, Huahai Zhang, Zhenli Liu, Yulian Wang, Lingli Huang, Yuanhu Pan, Dapeng Peng, Menghong Dai, Xu Wang, Zonghui Yuan. Development of a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry with pressurized liquid extraction for determination of glucocorticoid residues in edible tissues. Journal of Chromatography B, 2011, 879(2): 174-180. Jan 15
9. Ihsan A, Wang X, Liu Z, Wang Y, Huang X, Liu Y, Yu H, Zhang H, Li T, Yang C, Yuan Z. Long-term mequindox treatment induced endocrine and reproductive toxicity via oxidative stress in male Wistar rats. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2011, 252(3): 281-288. May 1.
10. Yao M, Dai M, Liu Z, Cui W, Li D, Zhang H, Li J, Liu Y, Yuan Z. mRNA expression profiles of P450 3A enzymes in the liver and small intestine of the domestic pig. Res Vet Sci, 2012. Jul 93: 360-365.
11. Wu Q, Huang L, Liu Z, Yao M, Wang Y, Dai M, Yuan Z. A comparison of hepatic in vitro metabolism of T-2 toxin in rats, pigs, chickens, and carp. Xentiotica 2011,41(10): 863-873.
Angiopoietin-Like Protein 3 Expression is Down-Regulated in Experimentally Pregnant Toxemic Goats
刘兆颖,伍勇,孙志良。食品动物细胞色素P450的研究进展,医学综述,2011.10, 17(20):3057-3059
刘兆颖,孙志良。兽药比较代谢研究进展,西北农林科技大学学报,2011.10, 39(10): 35-40
血根碱对大鼠肠平滑肌细胞收缩的抑制作用 大阳城集团娱乐游戏学报,2011,44(19):4102-4109.
1. 代谢研究方法在兽药动力学教学中的地位。刘兆颖,陈小军,孙志良。现代企业教育,2011 03月,377: 146.
1. 刘兆颖,张振刚,姚敏,涂宏刚,陶燕飞,陈冬梅,戴梦红,王玉莲,袁宗辉. 喹乙醇在猪肝微粒体和血液中的还原代谢研究. 中国畜牧兽医学会兽医药理毒理学分会第九次学术讨论会(安徽合肥),133-141,2006.8(优秀论文)
2. 刘兆颖,戴梦红,陶燕飞,袁宗辉. 肝微粒体孵育法在药物代谢中的应用. 第八次全国药物与化学异物代谢学术会议(辽宁大连),13, 2006.10
3. Zhao Y. Liu, Meng H. Dai, Yan F. Tao, Zong H. Yuan. The application of liver microsomes incubation in drug metabolism. Asian Journal of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics, 2006, 6(3): 178
4. 刘兆颖,黄玲利,陶燕飞,袁宗辉. 高分辨率的电喷雾离子阱时间飞行质谱对喹乙醇的裂解研究. 全国生物医药色谱学术会议,291, 2008.5
5. Zhaoying Liu, Lingli Huang, Menghong Dai, Dongmei Chen, Yulian Wang, Yanfei Tao, Zonghui Yuan. Characterization of olaquindox metabolites in rat liver microsomes by high-performance liquid chromatography combined with ion trap/time-of- flight mass spectrometry (Abstract). Drug Metabolism Reviews, 2008, 40(supplement 2): 131 (获第二届亚太药代国际会议“青年学者研究奖”)。
Z Yuan, Z Liu, L Huang, D Chen, Y Wang, M Dai, Z.Liu. Metabolism of olaquindox in rats, chicken and pigs. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2009;32:178-179(Suppl) IF:1.581
6. 涂宏刚,戴梦红,姚敏,刘兆颖,黄玲利,袁宗辉. 喹喔啉类药物对V79细胞hgprt 基因位点的突变效应. 毒理学杂志,2007, 21 (4): 335
7. 刘兆颖,黄玲利,陈冬梅,戴梦红,陶燕飞,王玉莲,袁宗辉*。喹乙醇在大鼠的代谢研究。第九届全国药物和化学异物代谢学术会论文集,2009.10.23-26,湖北武汉,P47。
8. 杨波,黄玲利,刘宇,刘兆颖,房可,袁宗辉*。喹乙醇及代谢物3-甲基喹喔啉-2-羧酸在猪体内生理药动学模型的建立。第九届全国药物和化学异物代谢学术会论文集,2009.10.23-26,湖北武汉,P69。
9. 斯琴朝克图,黄玲利,尹伏军,刘兆颖,刘振利,袁宗辉*。氚标记喹赛多在大鼠体内的处置研究。第九届全国药物和化学异物代谢学术会论文集,2009.10.23-26,湖北武汉,P93。
10. 刘兆颖,黄玲利,陈冬梅,戴梦红,陶燕飞,王玉莲,袁宗辉*。喹烯酮的比较代谢研究。全国兽医药理学及毒理学分会第十次学术研讨会综述和摘要汇编,2009.10.19-22,湖北武汉,P135。
11. 刘兆颖,黄玲利,朝克,胥宁,袁宗辉*。喹噁啉类药物比较代谢研究。全国兽医药理学及毒理学分会第十次学术研讨会,2009.10. (优秀论文一等奖)
1. 刘兆颖 喹噁啉类药物代谢研究。全国兽医药理学及毒理学分会第十次学术研讨会大会报告,2009.10.19-22,湖北武汉。
2. 刘兆颖 LC/MS-ITTOF在饲料和兽药残留中分析中的应用。日本岛津国际贸易(上海)公司技术交流会,2008.10, 江苏南京
3. 刘兆颖 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目课题1汇报。2009.11,广东广州
1. 刘兆颖,张振刚,姚敏,涂宏刚,陶燕飞,陈冬梅,戴梦红,王玉莲,袁宗辉. 喹乙醇在猪肝微粒体和血液中的还原代谢研究. 中国畜牧兽医学会兽医药理毒理学分会第九次学术讨论会(安徽合肥),133-141,2006.8(优秀论文)
2. Zhaoying Liu, Lingli Huang, Menghong Dai, Dongmei Chen, Yulian Wang, Yanfei Tao, Zonghui Yuan. Characterization of olaquindox metabolites in rat liver microsomes by high-performance liquid chromatography combined with ion trap/time-of- flight mass spectrometry (Abstract). Drug Metabolism Reviews, 2008, 40(supplement 2): 131 (获第二届亚太药代国际会议“青年学者研究奖”)
3. 刘兆颖,黄玲利,朝克,胥宁,袁宗辉*,喹噁啉类药物比较代谢研究。全国兽医药理学及毒理学分会第十次学术研讨会,2009.10. (优秀论文一等奖)
4. 刘兆颖 喹噁啉类在大鼠、猪和鸡的比较代谢研究,获华中农业大学校级优秀博士论文(直录),2009.12
5. 刘兆颖 喹噁啉类在大鼠、猪和鸡的比较代谢研究,获湖北省优秀博士论文。 2010.
2011- 中国兽医药理学及毒理学分会理事
2012- 中国毒理学学会会员
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